Benrey is a male, Grey and Tan Tabby cat. He’s a big boxy guy, solid black M on his forehead. Ticked fur ( like a squirrel ) Tiny voice, huge humongous feet, skinny tail, with a white dot on either cheek. He’s afraid of people, but likes cats. He might have found a friendly cat, and tried to be fed from the cats people. He loves food and might try getting into your garbage if no one is feeding him or helping him with food. He is chipped. If someone could get him to a shelter safely, they would call me. I know he is alive. I just feel it in my soul. If you are reading this, could you please say a prayer for us to get BENREY the cat safely to a shelter…? We greatly appreciate any help and all eyes watching out for him. I’m offering an $800 reward to lead me to him and his safe return. He has another cat that’s bonded to him. She is very very depressed since he’s been gone. We appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you so much everyone AMY
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