Lost Tri-color Cat near Woodley Rd, 701! - photo

Lost Tri-color Cat near Woodley Rd, 701!

Woodley Road, 701, Savannah

Gray/Orange tri-color female, spayed. Missing between Jl & Allora Apts. She must have ran out when I left for work. Found out she was missing about noon when I came in for lunch. Haven't seen a single trace of her since.

How you can help

Woodley Road, 701, Savannah
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 23.03.2024
Thu, 29.02.2024
Owner name
Arv Bli

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl485028 posted on Facebook Charleston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 24 March 2024, reply

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