Lost One-Eyed Cat in Sevierville - Help! - photo

Lost One-Eyed Cat in Sevierville - Help!

Little Cove Road, 2029, Sevierville

She is a black female cat with one eye missing. She is quite fearful and skittish but she might come to you if you offer her cheese or meat. She is an indoor / outdoor cat and she went missing over night.

How you can help

Little Cove Road, 2029, Sevierville
Listing number
Pet's gender
Thu, 06.06.2024
Fri, 31.05.2024
Owner name

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488824 posted on Facebook Knoxville, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 06 June 2024, reply

Lost Cats in this area