Lost Shorthair Cat on Sanford Ave - Help! - photo

Lost Shorthair Cat on Sanford Ave - Help!

Sanford Avenue, 1041, St. Louis

She's a shorthair domestic cat. She likes to sprint at the door when we leave to try to get outside and sun bathe. I must've missed when she snuck by and feel terrible. She has gotten out before and came back the next night. So far she hasn't and we will not give up looking.

How you can help

Sanford Avenue, 1041, St. Louis
Listing number
Pet's gender
Wed, 17.04.2024
Mon, 15.04.2024
Owner name
Matthew Paul

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl485933 posted on Facebook St. Louis, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 17 April 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
I also recommend you to the [email protected] agency that will help you find your missing pet. I'm sure these tips will help find your missing pet. See full comment
Published: 19 April 2024, reply

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