Lost Black Cat with Yellow Eyes & Bow Tie! - photo

Lost Black Cat with Yellow Eyes & Bow Tie!

Friars Head Drive Northeast, 745, Suwanee

He’s a Black male cat. Has yellow eyes, he was last seen wearing a yellow collar with a bow tie and a red tag. He has a blue tattoo line on his belly from his surgery of him getting neutered. He is a very talkative kitty. Hes a very friendly friendly cat. He won’t bite or scratch you. He was last seen May 18th


Friars Head Drive Northeast, 745, Suwanee
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 27.05.2024
Mon, 27.05.2024
Owner name
Jasmin Torres

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488218 posted on Facebook Atlanta, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Опубликовано: 28 May 2024, ответить на комментарий

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