Lost Bassett Hound Puppy on Sherwood Lane - photo

Lost Bassett Hound Puppy on Sherwood Lane

Sherwood Lane, 3765, Temple

Bassett hound puppy, white with brown spots, male

How you can help

Sherwood Lane, 3765, Temple
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Tue, 04.03.2025
Tue, 04.03.2025
Owner name
Buck Curry

Comments 4

Cecilia A Bruce
Cute puppy, hope he finds his way home soon! 🐶 I'll share this post.
Published: 3 hours ago, reply
Maggie Spicer
What a cutie! Hope he finds his way home soon! 🐶 Sharing to help spread the word.
Published: 2 hours ago, reply
Pet911 Lost and Found Pets USA
Merged with usl503042 listing. The reason is duplication of information.
Description of the duplicate listing:
Published: 1 hour ago, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl503038 posted on Facebook Austin, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 1 hour ago, reply