5 listings

Missing dogs in Toledo

Lost Mastiff: Brutus, Brown with Blue Collar
Lost Mastiff: Brutus, Brown wi...
His name is Brutus. He is an unfixed male Mas...
Mon, 21.10.2024
Lost Pomeranian: Blonde/White, Toledo, 9/27
Lost Pomeranian: Blonde/White,...
Tooka is a blonde/white Pomeranian who is abo...
Fri, 27.09.2024
Missing Yorkiepooh: Black/Tan Male in Toledo
Missing Yorkiepooh: Black/Tan...
Yorkiepooh, male, black and tan. We let the d...
Thu, 27.06.2024
Lost Puppy Alert: 1yo Millie, 20lbs - Toledo
Lost Puppy Alert: 1yo Millie,...
Her name is Millie, she is 1 year old, she is...
Tue, 05.03.2024