Lost Chubby German Shepherd - Call ASAP! - photo

Lost Chubby German Shepherd - Call ASAP!

Sumrall Road West, 82, Tylertown

I am missing my 7 year old German Shepherd. She got out of her pen we just recently move here with her. She has no idea where she is. She more black with some brown. Her ears don't stick straight up like Shepherd ears does. If you see her please contact me Kimberly at 225-328-3085 or my mom Debra 225-405-8176. Either me or her will come asap to get her.



Sumrall Road West, 82, Tylertown
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Mon, 01.07.2024
Fri, 28.06.2024
Owner name
Kimberly Hopkins

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl490400 posted on Facebook New Orleans, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 01 July 2024, reply

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