Found: Orange Cat with Pam Bates Tag in Fresno - photo

Found: Orange Cat with Pam Bates Tag in Fresno

East Sierra Avenue, 2136, Fresno

My phone won't let me upload a damn photo for some reason. It's an orange cat with a chipped tag that says pam bates on it . The cat is by the park every morning at 4:00 am. That's when I feed him.

How you can help

East Sierra Avenue, 2136, Fresno
Listing number
Thu, 29.08.2024
Thu, 29.08.2024
Finder's name

Comments 3

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf494291 posted on Facebook Fresno, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 30 August 2024, reply
Dawna Gutzmann
Hope Pam the cat finds her way home soon! 🙏 Sharing this post to spread the word.
Published: 14 March 2025, reply
Poor kitty, hope Pam is found soon! 🙏 Sharing with community forums!
Published: 14 March 2025, reply