Help Find Koda: Missing Alaskan Husky Mix - photo

Help Find Koda: Missing Alaskan Husky Mix

Windsor, Wisconsin

This is our boy Koda who's been missing since Wednesday night 5/29 when him and his sister willow got out. He's a Alaskan Husky Boarder Collie mix. He does look a little like a German Shepard. Unfortunately willow was fatally struck by a vehicle shortly after the escape. An eye witness says Koda was caught and being held while willow was being moved off the road. But he is now no where to be found. We believe he was taken by who was holding him as why would someone hold to protect him from also being hit, to letting him go to get hit. There have also been zero sightings of Koda in over 72 hours anywhere in our area. We lost our baby girl we NEED our baby boy home!! Please share him get his name out there... he is our family and we're devastated without them. Please help



Windsor, Wisconsin
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sun, 02.06.2024
Wed, 29.05.2024
Owner name
Elaine Harris

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Lost and Found Pets USA
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Published: 03 June 2024, reply

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