Lost Chihuahua: Peanut - Central Point - photo

Lost Chihuahua: Peanut - Central Point

Orchardview Avenue, 150, Central Point

4 Lb white and black with a little brown female chihuahua. Named Peanut. Very wary of strangers. If you see her please call we will come immediately. She will probably run. Last seen in the Central Point East neighborhood. 541-944-2730 or 541-973-7689. Thank you.

Owner's review of Pet911

Sightings from people nearby and kindness of neighbors searching for her. Was found at our local Airport running and hiding on the runways. Was quite the fiasco to catch her. So happy to have her home.
The user has hidden the phone number

How you can help

Orchardview Avenue, 150, Central Point
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sat, 03.08.2024
Thu, 01.08.2024

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