Lost Cat Loki: White & Black, Friendly - Glendale - photo

Lost Cat Loki: White & Black, Friendly - Glendale

West Sandra Circle, 4336, Glendale

Male DSH mostly white with a few large black spots, mostly black tail, and asymmetrical black mask on face. He is not an outdoor cat and very friendly, but can be a little skittish unless you have treats. His name is Loki but he also will (sometimes) respond to Sweet Boy and the psspsspss noise. He is wearing a black collar with a round silver medallion with his name & my phone number engraved on the back, and also wearing a red patterned harness as he walks on a leash.

The user has hidden the phone number  


West Sandra Circle, 4336, Glendale
Listing number
Pet's gender
Wed, 17.04.2024
Mon, 15.04.2024

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl485958 posted on Facebook Phoenix, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 17 April 2024, reply

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