Lost Mini Aussie - Beige/Brown, Odd Eyes! - photo

Lost Mini Aussie - Beige/Brown, Odd Eyes!

Weeks Mills Road, 92, China

She is a female miniature australian shepherd. She is a beige with some brown on her fur. She has two different colored eyes and slightly overweight. She is shy but friendly. On Wednesday morning of June 19 she just ran away. She gets spooked easily by loud noises like guns or fireworks so she could’ve heard one of those noises and took off.If seen she please contact me at (352) 421-2203



Weeks Mills Road, 92, China
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 20.06.2024
Wed, 19.06.2024
Owner name

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl489648 posted on Facebook Boston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 20 June 2024, reply
Facebook group comment
I really hope your pet is found soon. I recommend contacting "Sog Syberspy" on Facebook. They're experts in locating lost pets and recently helped me find my poodle quickly and efficiently. Reach out to them as soon as possible for the best chance of finding your furry friend. .
Published: 20 June 2024, reply

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