Lost Siberian Husky - Wolf Grey, Sweet Male! - photo

Lost Siberian Husky - Wolf Grey, Sweet Male!

Locklaine Drive, 1908, Pasadena

He is an inside dog he dug a hole while being in the backyard and got out. He is a male Siberian Husky with brown eyes. He is a wolf grey of the agouti gene shades of gray with beige. Black tips the hair. He is very sweet. Please help me find him.



Locklaine Drive, 1908, Pasadena
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Fri, 24.05.2024
Fri, 03.05.2024
Owner name
Melissa Exley

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl488019 posted on Facebook Houston, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cat
Published: 25 May 2024, reply

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