Found: Sweet Chihuahua Mix in Prescott Valley - photo

Found: Sweet Chihuahua Mix in Prescott Valley

North Union Drive, 6231, Prescott Valley

She wondered into our yard and layed on our grass aprox 3:00pm today on Union Drive in Prescott Valley, AZ off of Cattletrack. She is reddish brown with a curled tail, brown/red nose, maybe 10lbs. She looks to be chihuahua mix. She is very sweet. Tomorrow we will go see if she has a microchip and make a report with animal control.



North Union Drive, 6231, Prescott Valley
Listing number
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Sun, 14.04.2024
Sun, 14.04.2024
Finder's name

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Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usf485815 posted on Facebook Phoenix, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 14 April 2024, reply

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