Lost Apple Head Chihuahua: Call 727-512-6808 - photo

Lost Apple Head Chihuahua: Call 727-512-6808

Ruby Avenue, 7377, Rancho Cucamonga

Full breed Apple head t-cup chihuahua by the name of Blanka. Blanka is microchipped and tagged however my contact information has not been updated. The number on her tag reads 864-908-9076 and new contact information is 727-512-6808…. If seen please notify me. Thank you in advance..

Owner's review of Pet911

Home again microchip
The user has hidden the phone number

How you can help

Ruby Avenue, 7377, Rancho Cucamonga
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Tue, 25.02.2025
Mon, 24.02.2025

Comments 3

Olivia Ruppert
Poor Blanka, I hope she's found soon! 🙏 I'll share this post.
Published: 25 February 2025, reply
Colleen Brennan
Such a cutie, I hope Blanka is found soon! 🐾 I will share Blanka's details. 📢
Published: 25 February 2025, reply
Lost and Found Pets USA
Listing usl502658 posted on Facebook Riverside, US - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 26 February 2025, reply

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